Batting Average
I've had a few big wins.
While I'm proud of what I've been able to accomplish, wins often feel like they come with the burden of expectation.
Let's set aside the fact that those expectations are projections created in my head. Self-imposed or not, these expectations feel real.
When the expectation is perfection - you lose. You can't move forward in any meaningful way without hitting a few bumps in the road.
But if the expectation is to contribute, you have the freedom to experiment—to swing at more things and know that even if you miss, even if your batting average is terrible, you'll still get more hits this way than if you stay in the dugout.
Plainly put: the best way to get more hits is to get more at-bats.
Yes, you'll have more misses this way too, but unless you're a baseball player, no one's going to look at your batting average, they're going to look at your work.
What have you created? What have you contributed?
Here's to letting our successes inspire us, not stress us out.