Working For The Week
A week away from work feels like an eternity.
What did I miss?
Did everyone move on without me?
Am I even necessary?
At Cat & Cloud, when we first earned enough freedom to take a bit of time away here and there, the above feelings came with a side serving of guilt.
It’s been a process to erase those feelings, and there are many factors at play, but nothing has made me feel more confident about taking time away than the strength of our leadership team.
Their growth and the consequent growth of those around them have made my vacations stress-free, a nice perk to be sure, but the real gift they’ve given me is making the day-to-day project of running a business so much more enjoyable.
Business owners or not, we all need a support group. Family, friends, neighbors. People we have the privilege of sharing our lives with. People that make every day amazing. Having someone to feed the cat when we’re gone is just a bonus.
Only a small amount of life happens while we’re on vacation. Working for the weekend is a misplaced ideal. The real fun is right here, right now, day in and day out.
The people around us are not a means to an end in our lives, they are our lives.