Painting The Picture
Movies that move our soul all start with a strong vision that is then brought to life with great acting.
The actors can't play their part without understanding the vision, and it's the role of the director to communicate that vision.
Painting the picture of what's in our heads to the people around us can be a challenge. I've often struggled with the nagging question: "Why don't they just get it?!"
Part of this is the frustration of something feeling painfully obvious to me, yet somehow everyone around me seems oblivious. The other part is frustration with myself for not putting in the work it takes to effectively communicate my vision.
This is the gift of leadership: seeing possibilities that others don't, and being able to open doors that people didn't even know existed.
Painting the picture is more than listing facts, and pushes far beyond the transactional relationship many of us have with work ("Do this because I pay you to!"), it's about creating an emotional connection to another world.
Visions we're unable to communicate are just ideas, and ideas that live only inside our heads don't help anyone.
You might have the vision that someone's been waiting for, best not to keep it to yourself.