
I sometimes get asked what success feels like. Until this pandemic, I couldn’t really tell you.

What happened?

My guess is that all of the excess stress that bubbled to the surface forced some really important conversations both with myself and others, and I’m pleased to announce that I now know what success looks like.

Success to me means letting go of others expectations.

In our business, it means having a vision and feeling empowered to stand behind it. Challenging people instead of pleasing them and when it becomes clear someone’s not on our path, having the freedom to let them go and not see it as a failure or a reflection of your ability as a boss, just for what it is: a mismatch.

Personally, it means spending time creating things I want to create. YouTube is a great example. I’ve been making more videos about things that resonate with my soul — things I hope will help other people in a very real way. Since I’ve started down this path my videos have gotten way fewer views, the algorithm seems to hate them, the small amount of ad revenue I make has shrunk considerably, and I couldn’t be happier.

Sure I could probably make some serious cash and have a much larger audience (i.e. be more successful) if I devoted my whole existence to making coffee videos but that’s not a trade I’m willing to make.

Through all my different explorations I’ve found the most truth by casting out the label and pressure that’s often associated with the role.

I never wanted to be a business owner or entrepreneur (gross) — I just had a vision for what work could feel like.

I never wanted to be a YouTuber — I just wanted to share ideas.

I’m just me.

You’re just you.

Feeling successful is about being true.

Chris Baca