Relocating Your Career
"I'm going to relocate my career into coffee, you guys are having so much fun!" A friend texted to our group thread.
"Trust me, coffee looks cooler than it is." A fellow coffee professional replied.
I can relate. Some days I dream of switching industries in hopes of finally feeling at home but I know it's not our industry that's broken.
A great relationship with our job is much like a great relationship with another person. One where we feel safe and comfortable being ourselves. If a friendship becomes toxic or one-sided we let it die. We know friendship itself isn't the problem.
"Any job is only as good as what you work for, who you work for, and how much of yourself they let you bring to the game every day," I replied.
If we spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, year after year not feeling like ourselves, it doesn't matter what industry we're in.