Find The Humanity, Find The Magic

If you’ve ever received remarkable service, the person who gave it to you likely spent more time focused on your needs than theirs. They made the experience all about you, and because of that, you have a deep appreciation for them. 

This is the seemingly paradoxical relationship with being of service: it’s not about you, yet your role deeply matters. 

One of the exercises we do at new hire orientation is to have new team members share stories of memorable experiences. They could take place at a coffee shop, restaurant, doctor's office, or on a vacation with friends. Anything goes. People share experiences of all kinds, and the common thread woven through these stories is someone making a choice to put another person at the center of the universe.

We share these stories to tap into how these experiences make us feel and understand that every day, we have the opportunity to create those same feelings in every guest we serve. When we recognize the joy in receiving, the joy in giving becomes apparent. 

The range of experiences in these stories also reinforces one of our core beliefs: Creating a positive impact has nothing to do with what you do and everything to do with how you do it. We’ve all had regrettable, forgettable, and incredible experiences with people from every imaginable occupation. It doesn’t matter if you’re the CEO of a huge corporation or it’s your first day working the register at a local coffee shop. The experiences you create for the people around you shape your life and theirs.

Find the humanity, find the magic.

Chris Baca