Feedback Is Espresso

If we treat feedback like a big scary monster, it will be a big scary monster. If we treat feedback as simply another aspect of our job, it blends into our workday. Greeting guests, dialing in espresso, sweeping the floor, giving and receiving feedback.

Dialing in espresso can be intimidating but when we teach it we don’t lead with “This is super difficult and scary, and you only need to pull espresso when you feel completely comfortable with it.” We lean into the fun that’s involved in the process and focus on Why making delicious espresso matters. (How does this connect to our mission and values?)

We can treat giving and receiving feedback like making espresso. It’s a skill that helps us bring our mission of Inspiring Connection by Creating Memorable Experiences to life. It’s not about being in charge or being berated—it's not personal at all, it’s just one tool of many that we utilize in the pursuit of our promise.

We can make delicious espresso when we’re having a good or bad day. We can give and receive feedback when we’re having a good or bad day. Feedback is espresso.

Chris Baca