Creativity. Service. Curiosity.
Yesterday I asked our Marketing Coordinator why she enjoys her work, and she responded with three clear, concise reasons.
My work is Creative. I’m often doing something I’ve never done before.
My work is in the Service of other people. I get to connect with and make other people's lives better.
I enjoy creating Strategy. Figuring out what our guests expect and how to meet those expectations is engaging.
She beautifully articulated three pillars of a job worth having. I’d make a personal edit and say Curiosity fits her explanation better than Strategy.
Creativity. Service. Curiosity.
It’s notable that none of these things are specific to her job. No matter what our work is, we can choose to engage with these ideas—the job we have isn’t as important as the story we tell ourselves about that job.
I thanked her for writing this week's blog for me and here we are.