HOW is:
The fun part of your job
The adventure
Full of surprises
All the interesting problems you get to solve
All the paths you’ll take that you didn’t know existed
Where you hone your skills
Where you find your confidence and build your character
Where you grow
Every week at our leadership meeting we review our quarterly goals. We know WHY we’re pursuing them, we can envision WHAT success looks and feels like, but we don’t know HOW we’re going to make them happen. Without fail, at the end of every project cycle, we’ve accomplished all the things we didn't know how to do just a few months ago.
In every worthwhile project I've brought to life, belief and desire have come before understanding. When I believe in the project and myself, and am eager to do the work, I always figure out HOW. When I don't fully believe or simply don't want to do the work, HOW escapes me.
HOW is the work of leaders—people who willingly step into the unknown despite their fear.