Relationships, Authority, and Leadership
Leadership is more about building relationships than having authority.
Feedback from a trusted peer has more influence than an order from an untrusted boss.
The best breakdown I’ve seen of this philosophy is in John Maxwell's 5 Levels of Leadership. I’d recommend reading the book in its entirety but here’s the gist:
The 5 Levels of Leadership
1. Position - People follow because they have to.
2. Permission - People follow because they want to.
3. Production - People follow because of what you have done for the organization.
4. People Development - People follow because of what you have done for them personally.
5. Pinnacle - People follow because of who you are and what you represent.
Looking at these levels it’s easy to see how authority in the traditional sense only gets you so far, why the boss might not be the most influential person in the organization, and why being of service and having a strong sense of values is essential for anyone who hopes to have influence whether it be peer-to-peer, top-down, or bottom-up.
It’s easy to shy away from peer-to-peer feedback because we don’t want to feel out of line or like we’re “telling someone what to do”. But when done through the lens of service, feedback is an act of generosity that builds trust, while benefiting the individual and the organization.
You don’t have to be the boss to lead.