Getting It Wrong
There's no escape from getting it wrong.
Getting it wrong provides an inflection point for growth if we're willing to step back, recognize our mistakes, and push forward again.
It often feels like there's safety on the sidelines. That we can spare ourselves the shame of getting it wrong by avoiding things that make us uncomfortable.
Starting a new journey is intimidating. A personal project, a business, or educating yourself and speaking out against social injustices that are so deeply woven into the fabric of society that it makes you cringe to even think about it.
While certain journeys are definitely more weighty than others, they all begin in the same place: Taking the first step knowing that sooner or later, you're going to get it wrong.
What's far worse than getting it wrong is waking up one year, five years, ten years later to discover that you haven't grown at all, that you haven't done anything.