Your Greatest Opportunity

Today I'm attending a workshop on how to build a strong culture. I imagine a world in which work deepens the connection between us and the things we love. I need tools to further my cause so I seek help.

Today I also have a call helping two passionate business owners build a strong culture of their own. They have big ideas about what a business can be and are intent on bringing their dream to life. They need tools to further their cause so they seek help.

I like to imagine that this continues all the way up and down the spectrum. That those I'm helping are helping others. Those helping me are reaching out for help. An unbroken chain of students and teachers.

Today offers one literal example of this chain but here's the great part:

We don't need to sign up for a formal class to learn.
We don't need a huge platform or following to teach.
We learn just as much helping others as we do seeking help.

But only if we approach each moment with intention.

Every day each of us has the opportunity to be both a student and a teacher. If we don’t embrace both paths, we're selling ourselves and those around us short.

Chris Baca